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Douglas Anthony Cooper has written four novels, and his photography has appeared in publications worldwide, including Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine, and Rolling Stone.

For five years Cooper was a Contributing Editor at New York Magazine, where he wrote and photographed the travel stories. His photography for New York was the subject of a feature in PDN (Photo District News).

He has written freelance for numerous publications, including WiredThe Village Voice, and The New York Times. These pieces have won various awards: notably the Lowell Thomas Gold Medal — America’s most prestigious award for travel writing — and a National Magazine Award in Canada.

Cooper’s first novel, Amnesia, was a national bestseller.  It was shortlisted for the Books in Canada First Novel Award, and longlisted for the Commonwealth Prize.  The second, Delirium, was the first novel serialized on the World Wide Web (by Time Warner Electronic Publishing, in 1994).

He has published two novels for young adults: Milrose Munce and the Den of Professional Help — which was on the Financial Times Bestseller List in the UK — and Milrose Munce and the Plague of Toxic Fungus.

Cooper lives in Rome, but collaborates regularly with artists and architects around the world: most recently on a video installation with Diller Scofidio + Renfro at the Venice Biennale.

Despite being a Canadian living in Italy, you can find him in The Best American Travel Writing (ed. Pico Iyer).

Douglas Anthony Cooper & Pixel